“Overcoming Temptation” (Genesis 3:1-6) this Sunday, 2pm at Valley Fellowship!

“Overcoming Temptation” (Genesis 3:1-6) this Sunday, 2pm at Valley Fellowship!
701 S Seward Meridian Pkwy, Wasilla
We’ll cover practical, biblical lessons on gaining victory over temptation, and breaking sinful habits! If you feel powerless in your struggle against harmful sins and failures, the Bible has the answers to effectively overcoming the snares that we face. This will be a multi-part series on victory in Christ.
Who we are: We are a Reformed evangelical church intent on faithfully preaching the Word of God, equipping the saints, and pursuing the Great Commission! We subscribe to the Apostles, Nicene, and Chalcedon creeds, and the Westminster Confession of Faith. (See www.ValleyFellowshipAK.com for more information.)