Justice: Is it important?

Here is an excerpt and link to an article I wrote that was recently published in “The People’s Paper” on justice:
“I recently saw a local article confirming what many suspected: crime in Alaska increased substantially in 2017. Alaskans are fed up with crime, the lack of justice, and corruption on the part of our government.
I’ll follow up later on with a few more articles discussing specific issues and talking through some practical solutions, but thought I’d start of by laying the groundwork: The importance of justice.
Isn’t the importance of justice something to be taken for granted?
Not exactly. To be sure, we all innately feel a level of injustice when we experience it. From the greatest books to the best movies, justice is a recurrent theme. Somehow we know deep down that justice should be served, wrongs should be righted, and evil should be punished…”
For the full article: http://www.makeasceneak.com/midnovember-2018/2018/11/20/justice-is-it-important
Tait Zimmerman – Pastor, Valley Fellowship
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