Preaching through Genesis!

We just finished working though the book of Ephesians at Valley Fellowship, and are SO excited to start working through the first ten chapters of Genesis soon, starting the beginning of the year!
Genesis is KEY. Don’t understand Genesis? God’s plan of salvation makes no sense. Compromise on Genesis? The rest of scripture begins to crumble.
Not only that, but there is so much in the way of PRACTICAL instruction here. There is so much in the way of Jesus Christ in Genesis. Jesus Christ is the star of the first ten chapters.
Looking forward to working through this God exalting, believer instructing book of the Bible!!
Some topics that will come up as we journey through the first ten chapters verse-by-verse:
– The Trinity and creation.
– Literal 6 day creation?
– What about the “day-age” and “gap” theories?
– What is the Sabbath day?
– Is work a good thing, or a bad thing?
– Marriage
– The family
– What is man’s God-given role on earth?
– Is man fallen and depraved?
– Is God totally sovereign?
– Will this world be destroyed or renewed someday?
– Environmentalism?
– Who is Satan?
– Was Satan really a snake?
– What is sin?
– How serious is sin?
– What was the tree of life, and tree of knowledge of good and evil?
– What is salvation? What are we saved from?
– What is a “covenant”?
– Was Jesus Christ prophesied in book one of the Bible?
– Why were Adam and Eve suddenly afraid of their nakedness?
– Should there be a death penalty?
– Why are all those lists of names in the Bible?
– Who were the Nephilim?
– Was there a literal worldwide flood?
Join us at 2pm on Sundays at the Wasilla Senior Center! (We meet all the way at the left end of the main complex.)